Site Requirements
Right now, I'm not asking for much. It's fairly
easy to join the ring at the moment, but there are a *few* ground
rules... the requirements are looser than they
sound. I accept less than how it sounds here, actually, as long as
there's something!
Choose from the following (you can have one, all, or
none, even, if you have something else or better!):
Anything saying that Julian is the best character, or so on...
An extensive bio on Julian.
Julian or Julian relationship fan fiction.
Julian pictures.
A Julian/? relationship page (ie. J/J or G/B).
A section on your page dedicated to Julian or a Julian relationship.
A Julian page (well, that's not too obvious, now is it??? ;-).
Did I miss something you have? No problem.
I'll accept basically anything, as long as it's Julian (of
Your site may
A shrine to Major Kira or Lt. Cmdr. Dax (unless it revolves around their
relationships with Julian, of course!), or any other character except for
Julian. (Note: If you have a shrine to a character
which also happens to have a large amount of Julian, then submit anyhow.
I'd let it in.)
If you're still unsure about whether your site meets
requirements, you may either E-Mail
Me about it, or
your site anyhow. I'll check it out and decide (the ring members
may have a say, if you are borderline!).
Your site qualifies? You want to move on and join the ring? Great!!!
Head on over to
Two (add your site to the queue).
One last
thing: Remember, I decide
what sites join my webring. I can remove sites
without notice (I strongly doubt I will, but I still can), let sites join
that don't meet requirements, or refuse to let a site join if it does meet